
The Darkness

The Darkness didn’t so much explode onto the scene in 2003 as grab the music industry by the throat whilst riding fire breathing steeds and wearing incredibly inappropriate leotards.

Fronted by Justin Hawkins the band went from opening Robbie Williams’ Knebworth megagigs to headline Reading and Leeds in the space of 12 months, whilst their debut album ‘Permission to Land’ sold by the millions. Then, as quickly as they had arrived, they were gone, soon after the release of their critically acclaimed second album in 2005 for a hiatus that lasted 7 years.

The band reformed in 2012 and have been quietly releasing albums filled with classic, tongue firmly in cheek hair metal ever since, whilst last year’s documentary ‘Welcome to The Darkness’ catapulted the band back into the spotlight and reminded us why we loved them so much.

Trust us when we say that The Darkness will provide us with the show of the weekend and sack full of very special festival moments. We cannot wait!

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and is with great honour that we, The Darkness, will grace the stage at Camp Bestival this year. No other band is better able to inject camp or best into a stage performance. Somebody else will have to provide the ival bit. That's not too much to flipping well ask, is it? See you in the fields of green for a rockgasm of inordinate proportions! "

The Darkness