Live Pig's Big Ballroom

Toby Hounsham

Taught piano by the legendary Boogie Woogie pianist, Big Joe Duskin, after a chance back stage encounter aged 14, Toby developed a keen interest in Boogie Woogie at an early age which he has maintained to this day.

Boogie man Toby has been a professional musician for the past 35 years, touring and recording all over the world. Toby was the keyboard player in Brit pop band ‘Rialto’ in the late 90s, enjoying 3 top 40 UK hits and a top 20 album. Consequent collaborations included Mungo Jerry, Katrina (of the waves fame) and Go West to name but a few.

Since 2021 Toby has played keyboards for The Stranglers, after the sad loss of personal hero, the late great Dave Greenfield. But despite a career spanning such an eclectic range of genres, Toby has remained a passionate exponent of authentic Boogie Woogie piano, the music which he always returns to and continues to gig and promote when he can.